Saturday, October 4, 2008

Winter Workshop success

Our tutor Susan Barker was amazed that everyone managed to complete their Notre Dame basket by the end of the session. The adult helpers spent the last 15 minutes of the day applying quick drying craft glue to basket linings so that everyone could take a finished project home with them.

Everyone agreed it was a great way to spend a cold wintry day in the holidays. "The best bit", said one student, "was the hot chocolate drink we had!" For us, the "best bit" was seeing the kids really enjoying themselves stitching and creating a wonderful and useful basket. I don't think anyone was planning to give their basket away as a gift, they all loved them too much.

Unfortunately, my camera was on the blitz so I dont' have a photo just yet. The Guild camera was put to good use though, so I'll try to chase a photo up for this post.

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