Sunday, January 20, 2008

January school holiday workshop at Granville Library

The YTFG was asked to send a tutor along to Granville Library in January for a free workshop, sponsored by Parramatta Council. I decided that as the closest club leader I would be happy to do it as a little PR exercise for my club, and to show the local kids a little embroidery. There were to be 2 classes, actually 3, but we only managed to fit in 2 in the 1 and 1/2 hours allowed. My group did a little embroidered and beaded lavender sachet, while the other group did some cross stitch on plain fabric. Here are a few photos taken on the day, with permission.
The kids all enjoyed the time, and I did give out a couple of flyers and put up a poster in the Library for future students to see.
Christine, Guildford Club.

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