Friday, June 8, 2007

Hello from the Guildford Club

Our club meets at an historic house called "Linnwood" at Guildford on the 2nd Saturday of every month except January. At the moment we are looking for some new members because a few of our regulars have left us due to sports, dancing and other activities which clash with our meetings. Our friend Jeremy was with us for 4 years until his high school life got too busy to continue club meetings. We'll miss his lateral thinking as he could always think of an unusual way to use the materials provided for a project. Look at the great Aussie windmill Jeremy made on the Farm Challenge panel above. Our newest member Tom made a great fabric postcard for the Postcard Challenge which the Guild will display at the October exhibition with all the other postcards being made by the Guild members. Well done boys, good luck for the future Jeremy, and keep up the great work Tom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.