Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Clubs opening in 2011

Some great news, 2 new Leaders have been appointed and new Clubs will start in Dubbo (country) and Engadine (southern Sydney suburb) in 2011. Sadly due to the resignation of 2 Leaders and no successors being available we will have to close Nepean (western Sydney) and possibly Grafton (northern country) clubs. Welcome to our new Members and their Leaders, we hope you'll enjoy leaning to stitch and improving your skills with the YTFG.

STOP PRESS: Heard by phone Wednesday 24th Nov. that the local Embroiderers' Guild group in Grafton is hoping to organise a Leader to continue to run a Club in Grafton, possibly meeting each school holidays. Such GREAT news, hope this works out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October School Holidays workshop

On Thursday 7th october 10 students were guided by Marcelle Sandeman (a former Newcastle Club Leader) in a fabric Christmas Gift Tag project at Guild Headquarters. 4 of the children had only recently attended their first workshop but by the end of the day's session had successfully added French Knots and Stem stitch to their tags. Learning to stitch in a hoop wasn't easy, and there were some long periods when you could have heard a needle drop, but everyone managed really well on the day. All projects were completed and taken home at the end of the day. Well done and thankyou Marcelle for your patience. Thankyou also to our helpers Diana, Sue, and Christine.